Alice can look after the children. She’s very reliable. - someone who you can trust to behave well, work hard, or do what you expect them to do, She’s always so laid-back about everything that I don't sense any anxiety when I am around her. - calm and relaxed, Beano is easygoing and good-natured. - relaxed, calm, and not getting easily upset about things, I had a weird dream last night. - strange and unusual, sometimes in a way that upsets you, After he spoke there was an awkward silence.Luckily nobody asked any awkward questions about what he was doing there. - difficult to deal with and embarrassing, He had been waiting for over an hour and was beginning to feel irritable. - likely to become easily annoyed or impatient, The seriously injured man was taken to hospital. - hurt in an accident or attack, She showed a reckless disregard for her own safety. - not thinking about the possible bad effects of your actions, She’s addicted to this new TV series: she can't stop watching it. - enjoying a particular activity very much and spending as much time as you can doing it, Charlie is a a compulsive gambler - someone who likes playing games that involve gambling,

Maria Inês - Awayday - adjectives

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