1) used for emphasising that what you are saying is true in every way a) immensely b) noticeably c) altogether 2) very or very much: used for emphasising what you are saying a) relatively b) immensely c) radically 3) in a way that is easy to see, hear or feel a) noticeably b) outright c) relatively 4) wholly and completely a) practically b) outright c) relatively 5) almost a) practically b) relatively c) utterly 6) something changes completely or in a way that is very noticeable a) radically b) relatively c) practically 7) in comparison with someone or something similar a) somewhat b) radically c) relatively 8) in a way that is unusual and surprises or impresses you a) somewhat b) remarkably c) utterly 9) to some degree but not to a large degree a) noticeably b) somewhat c) outright 10) completely: often used for emphasising how bad someone or something is a) utterly b) remarkably c) radically

AN_C1_VocabularyReview_Unit 7.2_Intersifiers_MC

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