washes - My dad ... (wash) his car twice a week., study - My parents ... (study) Italian once a week., is listening - Listen! My mum ... (listen) to her favourite song!, are working - My parents ... (work) at the moment., tidy  - I sometimes ... (tidy) up my room on Saturdays., didn't rain - Yesterday was sunny. It ... (not/rain)!, visited - She ... (visit) France last year., am cooking - I ... (cook) right now. Can you call me later?, doesn't know - She ... (not/know) the lyrics, she always invents them!, plays - Tom ... (play) videogames everyday., Did you watch - ... (watch) a horror film last Sunday?, is watching - My little brother ... (watch) his favourite cartoon on TV. , Do you make - ... (make) your bed every day?, isn't having - She ... (not/have) a shower right now., don't travel - They ... (not /travel) every summer., didn't stay - She ... (not/stay) at home yesterday., goes - He ... (go) to school by bus every morning., went - He ... (go) to school by bus last Monday., is going - He ... (go) to school by bus today., go - They ... (go) to the park every afternoon.,

Mixed Tenses: Simple Present, Present Continuous and Simple Past

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