1) She _____ (go) to the beach there twice a week a) had gone b) goes c) is going d) was going 2) They _____ (do) their homework before they went out. a) had done b) are doing c) have been doing d) did 3) Your dog ______(play) with her all morning. a) played b) had played c) had been playing d) has been playing 4) They _______ (have)dinner when the police _____ (come) to the door. a) were having, came b) are having, came c) are having, come d) were having, is coming 5) He _________ (work) in his garden yesterday a) was working b) is working c) worked d) had worked 6) His sister ______ (go) to the airport in a couple of hours. a) is gointo to go b) will go c) is going d) will have go 7) He ________ (read) the newspaper in the living room. a) was reading b) had been reading c) had read d) is reading 8) Mary said she _____already _______(watch) that movie a) had been watching b) had watched c) is warching d) was watching 9) I (get up) early tomorrow. a) am going to get up b) will get up c) am geting up d) got up 10) I _________ (prepare)dinner yesterday when I noticed that the cooker___________ (work/not) a) was preparing. does not work b) prepared, did not work c) was preparing, was not working d) am preparing, was not working

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