1) Mary didn't ... a film last night. a) watch b) watched c) watches 2) Sarah ... her grandparents every weekend. a) visit b) visits c) visited 3) They ... in London last year. a) live b) lived c) lives 4) We ... a lot last Sunday. a) laugh b) laughed c) laughs 5) Did you ... a sports center last year? a) join b) joined c) joins 6) Does your uncle ... at the police station? a) work b) works c) worked 7) I didn't ... TV last night. a) watch b) watched c) watches 8) Did you ... in the countryside when you were a child? a) lived b) lives c) live 9) Bob ... his father's car last week. a) fix b) fixed c) fixes 10) His grandma ... bread every day. a) bake b) baked c) bakes 11) Did Sam ... to music last night? a) listen b) listened c) listens 12) Where ... Lisa last Monday? a) is b) was c) were 13) Polly ... tired. She wants to relax. a) is b) was c) were 14) Sarah often ... pictures. a) paint b) paints c) painting 15) Did the children ... their mum? a) help b) helped c) helps 16) Maya ... play the piano on Mondays. a) doesn't b) didn't c) don't 17) Betsy ... often play tennis. a) doesn't b) didn't c) don't 18) Lily ... cook dinner yesterday. a) doesn't b) didn't c) don't 19) ... your daughter watch cartoons last night? a) Do b) Does c) Did 20) ... you always wash the dishes after lunch? a) Do b) Does c) Did 21) ... you play board games last night? a) Do b) Does c) Did 22) ... Mike always do his homework? a) Do b) Does c) Did

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