1) Mulan fights in many battles and ... fights next to her. a) Ye Ming b) Hua Hu c) Sun Ying 2) Mulan is very ... a) sad b) brave c) scared 3) After some years, Mulan becomes a ... a) dragon b) wife c) general 4) People all over the country hear about ... a) the Emperor's clothes b) Mulan's secret c) a famous soldier 5) The Emperor sends ... to Mulan a) an owl b) a message c) a sword 6) Mulan and Ye Ming ride across the country to ... a) Mulan's house b) Ye Ming's village c) the Emperor's palace 7) The Emperor thanks Mulan for ... a) saving the country b) the beautiful horse c) going to another country 8) Mulan ... in front of the Emperor. a) jumps b) laughs c) bows 9) Mulan asks the Emperor to ... a) let her go back to her family b) give her an enormous house c) send a doctor for her father 10) The Emperor gives Mulan his ... a) best soldier b) finest horse c) his new cloak

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