apartment - It's a house connected to other houses in a building, armchair - It's a comfortable place to sit in your living room, bath - It's what you use when you don't want to shower, bathroom - It's a place where you poop or pee, bed - It's where you sleep, bedroom - It's a place where your bed is, bookcase - Where you keep your books, chair - It goes with a desk, clock - It tells the time, computer - It's used for typing, cupboard - It stores dishes, desk - It is for homework, dining room - It is where you eat dinner, doll - It's a toy that looks like a person, door - It's what closes a room, garden - It's an outdoor space that's part of your house, hall - It's the room that connects to other rooms, home - It's another word for house, house - It's another word for home, kitchen - It's where you cook your food, lamp - It lights up the room, living room - It's where the sofa and TV are, mat - It's where you clean your feet, mirror - It's where you look at yourself,

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