Population density - Number of people living in an area e.g. UK is 260 people per sq km., Natural increase - The natural growth of a population due to the number of births exceeding deaths., Urbanisation - An increase in the proportion of people living in urban areas e.g Mumbai has high rates of urbanisation., Megacities - Cities that have a population of over 10 million e.g. New York., Push factors - A factor that encourages people to leave the place which they live e.g. war., Pull factors - A factor which attracts people to move to a new place e.g. employment opportunities., Brain drain - The emigration of highly trained or qualified people from a particular country., Ageing population - When the average age of the population is rising e.g. in 2020 the average age = 40., Squatter settlements - An area of poor-quality housing, lacking in amenities such as water supply, sewerage and electricity., Upper course is the first stretch of a river… - Starting at the source, with a steep gradient and a narrow and shallow channel.,

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