welt - a raised mark on the skin where something has hit or rubbed you, rash - an area of red spots on a person’s skin, caused by an illness or a reaction to something, hives/urticaria - red spots on the skin that itch (= make you want to scratch), caused by an allergic reaction, for example to certain foods, hand sanitizer - a liquid generally used to decrease infectious agents on the hands., wipe - a special piece of thin cloth or soft paper that has been treated with a liquid and that you use to clean away dirt and bacteria, itch - n uncomfortable feeling on your skin that makes you want to scratch yourself, sweat - drops of liquid that appear on the surface of your skin when you are hot, ill/sick or afraid, additive - a substance that is added in small amounts to something, especially food, in order to improve it, give it colour, make it last longer, etc., running water - water distributed through pipes, baking soda - a chemical in the form of a white powder that dissolves and is used in baking to make cakes, etc. rise and become light, and in making fizzy drinks and some medicines, to beam - to produce a stream of light and/or heat, backache - a continuous pain in the back, to swallow - to make food, drink, etc. go down your throat into your stomach, to dive - to jump into water with your head and arms going in first, wool - the soft fine hair that covers the body of sheep, goats and some other animals, powder - a dry mass of very small fine pieces or grains, spring - a place where water comes naturally to the surface from under the ground, pilates - a system of stretching and pushing exercises using special equipment, which help make your muscles stronger and make you able to bend parts of your body more easily,

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