1) when did the Bangladesh flooding happen? a) 1997 b) 1965 c) 1797 d) 1930 e) 1956 f) 1998 2) Bangladesh is a ... a) developed country b) developing country c) undeveloped country d) rich country e) nice country f) all of the above 3) what is at least 1 short term response that Bangladesh made against the flood? a) the firefighters from Bangladesh came to help with the flood b) many countries helped bangladesh to take all the water out c) nothing happened  d) The government has gained lot of money to take all the water out of the city so they can be safe and be happy forever. e) The Government and other countries have provided flood aid. (Provide shelter, food and comfort) f) all of the above 4) what is at least 1 long term response that Bangladesh made against the flood? a) all of them b) nothing happened c) Dams were planned to try to prevent rivers from overflowing. d) many people from other countries came to visit and see the flood e) many rivers were over banked f) people gave houses for rent so people could stay there and be happy 5) Causes of flooding in Bangladesh a) Heavy monsoon rains b) what happened was that a big rainfall attacked Bangladesh and it started to rain with no stop and when the rainfall was over entire Bangladesh was flooded c) no one knows d) Heavy deforestation e) there is a lot of flooding f) many cyclons don't get near Bangladesh but that flooding was special because it was one of the few cyclones that affect Bangladesh 6) Did you like our presentation a) YEs b) Yes c) yES d) yEs e) yeS f) YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

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