What are you afraid ...? - of, What are you bad ...? - at, What are you good ...? - at, What are you crazy ...? - about, What are you most excited ...? - about, What are you fascinated ..? - by, What are you interested ...? - in, What are you keen ...? - on, What are you nervous ...? - about, What are you scared ...? - of, What are you stressed out ....? - about, What are you worried ...? - about, What are you sick ...? - of, What are you fed up ....? - with, Have you ever felt sorry .... somebody? - for, Were you happy .... your surgery results? - with, Are you annoyed .... somebody .... being late? - with, for, Who are you usually unfriendly ...? - to, When were you most disappointed ... something? - with,

Adjectives with prepositions

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