1) She is two years ___________ me. a) older than b) oldest than  2) It was___________ day of my life. a) the happier b) the happiest 3) Everest is_________ mountain in the world. a) the highest b) the higher 4) Giraffes are ____ than lions. a) tallest b) taller 5)  Santiago is_____ than Coquimbo. a) bigger b) biggest 6) We _____ old friends. a) was b) were 7) The pencil ____ on the desk. a) were b) was 8) He ____a lawyer last year. a) was not  b) were not  9) They ______ angry yesterday. a) was not b) were not 10) It ____
cold last night. a) were not b) was not 11) ____ she late for work? a) Was b) Were 12) _____ they happy? a) Were b) Was

comparative and superlatives / giving directions / was,were

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