1) What makes up the United Kingdom? a) England and Scotland b) England, Scotland, Wales c) England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland d) England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland 2) Which title do many British women use if they want to avoid避免 saying if they are married or not? a) Mrs b) Mr c) Miss d) Ms 3) At what age can you leave school in the UK? a) 12 b) 16 c) 18 d) 21 4) What do British people celebrate on November 5th, Bonfire Night? a) The forming of the U.K. 英國的形成 b) The failure of Guy Fawkes to blow up the King and Houses of Parliament.蓋伊福克斯炸毀國王和議會大廈的失敗。 c) The end of the Great Fire of London 倫敦大火的結束 d) The discovery of gunpowder 火藥的發現 5) Which of the following nationalities has the highest number living in the U.K.? a) Indian印度人 b) Polish波蘭人 c) Irish 愛爾蘭人 d) Taiwanese 6) What is a "quid"? a) Fifty pence 50p b) One thousand pounds sterling £1000 c) One hundred pounds sterling £100 d) One pound sterling £1 7) On average (平均的) how many cups of tea are drunk in the U.K. every day? a) 1000 million b) 100 million c) 10 million d) 1 million 8) What is considered to be poor etiquette (禮儀) in the U.K.? a) Eating lunch at your desk b) Turning up at someone's house to say "hello" uninvited 不請自來的 c) Arriving at someone's house for dinner 5 minutes late d) Keeping your shoes on in someone's house 9) When meeting a British person for the first time, what should you talk about? a) Ask about their family and ask to see photos b) Do not start a conversation, wait for them to speak c) Make "small talk"短暫聊天 about things such as the weather or their journey to the place. d) Which British food you hate 10) What is the sport most people support in England? a) rugby橄欖球 b) hockey 曲棍球 c) badminton羽毛球 d) football (American English - soccer) 足球

British Culture Quiz

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