Long time ago, in the early 1600s, a group of people in England wanted to ____ and worship God in their own way. The King controlled the Church of England and everyone had to go to the same type of church. Anyone who had a different ____ could be sent to prison. However, there was a group of people who wanted the Church of England to be free from the King’s rule and make it ____. Because of that they were called the Puritans. In order to ____ from the rule of the King, around one hundred men and women together with their children left their ____, with their dream of religious freedom. They ____ on the ship called Mayflower towards the New World. These travellers, called the Pilgrims, landed in Plymouth after a six-week ____ across the Ocean. It was December 11, 1620. The winter was cold. The land was strange and ____ to them. It was hard and long time for the Pilgrims. The Native Americans helped them a lot to ____. They supplied the Pilgrims with food and taught them everything they needed to know about their new home. The first year was really hard for the Pilgrims. Many of them got sick and died, however, thanks to the ____ they received from the Native Americans they could plant crops and vegetables. The autumn ____ was good and rich. To celebrate their good ____, the Pilgrims organised a huge ____ of thanksgiving. They cooked a lot of delicious dishes. Probably, they served wild turkey, duck and venison, along with fish, pumpkins, squash, corn, sweet potatoes and cranberries. Captain Miles Standish, the ____ of the Pilgrims, invited all their Native American friends to celebrate this time together. This harvest feast in 1621 is often called “the First Thanksgiving.”

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