Sarah: Clean your room!  / Ben: Can you help me? , John: Don't buy that dessert. / Susan: Send this letter for me. , Katie: Can you buy me lunch? / Rob: Go play with your sister. , Tyler: Can you give me your phone? / Richard:  Drink all of your milk. , Charlie: Don't cheat on your test. / Cindy: Call me tonight. , Lucy: Don't ask about the homework. / Tom: Wash the car today. , Anna: Can you help me get home? / Jason: Take me to the hospital. , Lisa: Can you deliver this food? / Hunter: Feed the animals. , Tristan: Don't treat that patient. / Julie: Put the books on the shelves. , Blair: Paints those houses. / Justin: Can you give information to the visitor? , Jared: Take the elderly on a walk. / Marie: Don't clean the cages. , Morgan: Can you take the trash out? / James: Go outside and run. , Sam: Walk the dog. / Samuel: Can you cook? , Ewan: Turn off the lights, please. / Alison: Don't take out the trash. , Ross: Can you come to the museum? / Monica: , Courtney: Watch a scary movie. / Jonathan: Want to eat pizza?, Michael: Do not play video games. / Linsey: Listen to this song. , Geoff: Do not go to the mall. / Jennifer: Do you want a hot dog? , Jonah: Take pictures of your dogs. / Emma: Can we go to the movies? , Scarlet: Go to the beach. / Lenny: Do not play video games. , Carl: Can you take a picture? / Amanda: Buy all the candy. , Patrick: Drive to the airport. / Nancy: Do not forget about the party. , Daisy: Go read a book. / Noah: Can you stop making noise? , Andrea: Can you make pasta? / Jack: Do not put a coat on. .

5th Grade Test (Reported Speech)

Tabla de clasificación

Rueda aleatoria es una plantilla abierta. No genera puntuaciones para una tabla de clasificación.

Estilo visual


Cambiar plantilla

¿Restaurar actividad almacenada automáticamente: ?