1) Maria ____ (eat) at that restaurant many times. a) has eating b) has eaten 2) I ___ (study) Spanish for a year a) I've been studying b) I've been study 3) ¿____ (your travel) to Europe ever? a) You've travelled b) You've traveled 4) They __ (working) on this project since last week. a) was working b) have been working 5) My sister ___ (finished) her college studies recently. a) It's over b) It's wrapping up 6) Nahomi ___ (play) too long today a) He's going to play b) He's been playing 7) Emanuel ___(play) in that park a) has played b) he play 8) We __ (talk) on the phone for an hour. a) has talk b) We've talked 9) The dog ___ (run) around the garden all day. a) were run b) run 10) Sofia __(dancing) in that theater a) has danced b) was dance 11) Luisa___(walking) all day a) were walking b) has walked 12) José___(driving) around town a) has been handled b) was drive 13) Brenda___(cook) all afternoon a) was cook b) has cooked 14) Ramiro___(fix) a cell phone a) has fixed b) was fix 15) Isa__(jumping) rope in the yard a) he's been jumping around b) were jump

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