1) break a) breaked b) broke 2) build a) builded b) built 3) stop a) stopped b) stoped 4) go a) went b) goed 5) drink a) drinked b) drank 6) help a) helped b) helpped 7) catch a) caught b) catched 8) meet a) met b) meet 9) read a) read b) readed 10) can a) canned b) could 11) come a) came b) come 12) cut a) cutted b) cut 13) give a) gived b) gave 14) study a) studied b) studyed 15) leave a) left b) leaved 16) do a) did b) does 17) have a) has b) had 18) be a) was b) were c) is 19) eat a) ate b) tea 20) take a) taked b) took

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