Tom - It is green. It has got a big mouth. It has got five eyes and four legs., Stevie the ugly - I am purple. I have got one eye, a big mouth, big teeth and a very long tongue too. I haven't got hair., Peppa - It has got seven antennas. It has got three eyes. It is pink., Gogolam - It is green. It has got a big mouth, two eyes and two legs. It is scary!, Sally the smart - She has got three antennas. She has got two eyes, two legs, and a small mouth. She is pink., Mike - He is green. He has got a very big eye on his face and he loves reading., Sully - He is big and blue. He has got two horns and blue eyes. He is very sad., Jackie the lazy - It is purple. It has got a big nose, four arms and four hands too. It also has got long green hair., Henry the dangerous - I have got sharp and big teeth. I have got two hands and two feet too! I am brown., Charlie - I have got four eyes, two ears and two big teeth. I also have got wings. I'm black., Pam and Carol - We're orange. We have got two heads and two eyes. We're wearing a sweater., Erika - I'm yellow. I have got two hands and five eyes., Brittany - I'm yellow. I've got two hands and two eyes. I'm happy.,

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