SIMPLE PRESENT: for regular, habitual actions and facts., to refer to written or spoken attitude or purpose., for dramatic effect when describing sequences of events., in commentaries and headlines., to describe two trends together or the natural order of events., for scheduled future events., with stative verbs such as think, believe, mean, know and prefer., PRESENT CONTINUOUS: for an action in progress now or an action that is developing., for an action that is in progress, not necessarily at this moment., for a temporary action., with always, for a habit that is irritating or viewed negatively., to illustrate a trend or regular routine., colloquially, with a stative verb., for a future arrangement., PRESENT PERFECT: for actions completed at an unspecified past time., for an action related to the present., for a time period that is still continuing., for something that started in the past and is still continuing., with adverbs such as just, yet, already, ever, never, since and for., PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS: that is still continuing., that has recently finished or has been repeated.,


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