1) If the bird feeders ... empty, you can get sunflower seeds from Mr Tidy. a) be b) is c) are 2) If it's sunny, the greenhouse ... very hot. Please open the door. a) gets b) get c) getting 3) If it doesn't ..., we need to water the tomato plants. a) rain b) rains c) raining 4) If there ___ lots of weeds, the plants can't grow. a) are b) is c) be 5) If I take out all the weeds, hedgehogs and toads ____ visit. a) not b) no c) don't 6) If I plant tomatoes in winter, they don’t ____ any fruit. a) making b) makes c) make 7) If I ____ sunflowers in autumn, they don’t grow tall. a) plants b) planting c) plant 8) If I’m not there, the birds ___ all my raspberries. a) eating b) eat c) eats

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