1) How many have passed since the disappearance of the Restrepo brothers? a) 33 b) 34 c) 37 d) 35 2) What were the names of the brothers? a) Pedro y Fernando b) Luis y Carlos  c) Esteban y Martin d) Carlos y Santiago  3) What was the president of Ecuador at the time the Restrepo´s brothers disappeared? a) Jamil Mahuad b) Lucio Gutierrez c) León Febrés Cordero d) Lucio Gutiérrez 4) What was the purpose of the SIC-10 a) Fight the subversive pressure groups b) Help find missing persons c) Build houses for poor people d) Cleaining prision cells  5) During the government of León Febres-Cordero there was a) 136 cases of human rights violations and more than 456 murders b) 136 cases of human rights violations and less than 456 murders c) 166 cases of human rights violations and more than 455 murders d) 166 cases of human rights violations and less than 455 murders 6) This murdered was considera as a State crime? a) No b) Yes

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