What's your name and surname? Can you spell them?, How old are you?, When is your birthday?, What are you wearing today?, Where do you usually go on Friday evenings?, What do you usually do after school?, What can you do at a theme park?, Do you think camping is a good plan for the weekend/ your holidays?, What are you doing next weekend?, What don't you mind doing?, Do you think taking dance classes is a good plan for the weekend? Why?, Do you think taking photography classes is a good plan for the weekend? Why?, Do you think doing gym is a good plan for the weekend? Why?, Do you think taking joining a sports club is a good plan for the weekend? Why?, Who was your first English teacher?, What do you like doing? Why?, What did you do yesterday?, Where were you last summer?, Where and when were you born?, Do you have and Instagram account? When did you create it? Who posts comments on it?, What are you going to study when you finish secondary school?, How do you usually celebrate your birthday?, How do you usually celebrate Halloween?, How do you usually celebrate Chirstmas?, What are you doing on Sunday?, What are you going to do when you grow older?, Why do you study English?, Do you exercise every day? What do you do?, Do you usually get stressed out about exams?, Why do people go to hospitals?, Why do people go to supermarkets?, What's your favourite school subject?, What's your favourite TV show?, What's your favourite movie?, Do you like reading? What types of book do you like to read?.

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