1) You have to take setbacks (difficulties) in life... a) in your stride b) at your stride c) in account d) on account 2) Getting some work experience will stand... a) by you b) you back c) you in good stead d) on your stride 3) Being recognised in the street is ... of being famous a) skin and bone b) part and parcel c) wine and dine d) hustle and bustle 4) The tickets for the concert were ... in less than an hour! a) caught up b) taken out c) sold out d) gathered up 5) If you are nervous about your appearance, or what others think of you, you are... a) self-conscious b) intimidated c) apprehensive d) overwhelmed 6) A synonym of muddled is... a) angry b) sad c) bored d) confused 7) Spare change is... a) a quick change b) bits of money c) a change you can avoid d) free time 8) Which one is the odd one out? a) skive off b) play truant c) be sacked d) skip class 9) I had my ... set on art school a) heart b) mind c) brain d) lungs 10) I frequently do things ... a whim a) in b) on c) at d) of 11) If you rub Mary up the wrong way you... a) annoy her b) find her attractive c) hate her d) make her feel sad 12) What can you rustle up? a) A car b) A bag c) A newspaper d) A meal 13) He always says he'll help, but when it ... he never actually does a) comes to the boil b) comes to the crunch c) comes to the time d) comes to the crispy 14) Which future form is the odd one out? a) to be about to b) to be on the verge of c) to be on the point of d) to be bound to 15) To sit ... the front ... a) on/row b) in/row c) on/file d) in/file 16) If you're totally blown away, you are... a) horrified b) exhausted c) impressed d) furious 17) Right or wrong? He shouldn't have taken the car as it's not parked outside a) Right b) Wrong 18) If you are ripped off, you... a) are criticised b) pay too much c) are fired d) feel sad 19) I would have gone to the party > Happened or didn't happen? a) Didn't happen b) Happened 20) If something is touch and go it means... a) the result is uncertain b) you can touch it and run away c) the result is clear d) you mustn't touch it

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