1) wink? 2) say the alphabet backwards? 3) remember your first day of school? 4) listen to music on your phone? 5) write a blog? 6) snap fingers? 7) play any instrument? 8) drive a vehicle? 9) name 10 animals? 10) write your name in cursive? 11) make a paper airplane that flies? 12) name three planets in our solar system? 13) speak French? 14) watch films in English? 15) recite poems? 16) dance? 17) type without looking at the keyboard? 18) name 3 english football teams? 19) name 3 famous singers? 20) sing? 21) draw animals? 22) take good photos? 23) play chess? 24) do a magic trick? 25) play basketball? 26) make origami figures? 27) whistle with your fingers? 28) say good night in Spanish? 29) hold your breath for 30 seconds? 30) play a drum beat?


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