1) We ________ study for our english test. a) can b) have to c) enjoy 2) I _______ speak Japanese very well. a) have to b) do c) can 3) _______ Angie play the guitar? a) can b) have to c) need 4) Aaron _______ to do better in the next test. a) have to b) has to c) maybe 5) Rubi _____ run faster than the teacher. a) can b) has to c) run 6) My friend ______ swim, he is sick. a) can b) can't c) has to 7) I _____ have to take the exam, I'm excent. a) can b) don't c) doesn't 8) We ______ go to school, because of the pandemic. a) have to b) can c) can't 9) The teachers _______ prepare good classes. a) don't have to b) have to c) has to 10) Virtual classes ______ be exhausting. a) have to b) can't c) can

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