prescription - The doctor writes and gives you this to take to the chemist., painful - Something that hurts a lot is very ......., appointment - When you book a date to see the doctor you make an ......., ankle - The part of your leg above your foot and below your knee , pills - These are a type of medicine that you swallow, break - This can happen to your bones if you are in a bad accident, injured - When a part of your body is hurt., bandage - A long, narrrow piece of cloth that is tied around an injury or a part of the body when they have been hurt., lie down - to move into a position where your body is flat usually so you can sleep or rest, rest - to relax to get your strength back, operation - I have to go to hospital to have an ................ on my shoulder., flu - I've got a fever and a headache. I think I have got the ......, feel better - I spent two days in bed but now I ....... ....... ,

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