1) 恭喜發財 : Wealthy ; Bowls of Noodles from Bo KY 2) CASH WINNER!!! : $50 3) CASH WINNER!!!: $10 4) CASH WINNER!!! : $10 5) 身體健康 : Healthy; Candy from Po Wing Hong 6) 恭喜發財 : Wealthy : Gift card from Tai Pan Bakery 7) CASH WINNER!!! : $20 8) 龍精虎猛 : Healthy & Strong; $10 gift cards from Po Wing Hong 9)  出入平安 : Travel Safely; Gift card from Tai Pan Bakery 10) CASH WINNER!!! : $10 11) 身體健康 : Healthy: $10 gift cards from Po Wing Hong 12) CASH WINNER!!! : $10 13) 萬事勝意 : Everything wins: $10 gift cards from Po Wing Hong 14) CASH WINNER!!! : $50 15) CASH WINNER!!! : $20 16) 出入平安 : Travel Safely; Bowls of Noodles from Bo KY 17) 健康快樂 : Happy & Healthy : Gift card from Tai Pan Bakery 18) CASH WINNER!!! : $10 19) 喜慶滿堂 : Happy Family: Candy from Po Wing Hong 20) 如意吉祥 : Best Wishes: $10 gift cards from Po Wing Hong 21) CASH WINNER!!! : $20 22) 生意興隆 : Booming Business; Candy from Po Wing Hong 23) CASH WINNER!!! : $20 24) CASH WINNER!!! : $10 25) CASH WINNER!!! : $20 26) 笑口常開 : Smile often; Bowls of Noodles from Bo KY 27) 接鸿福步步高升 : Career rises steadily as you want: Gift card from Tai Pan Bakery 28) 青春常註 : Permanently young; Candy from Po Wing Hong 29) CASH WINNER!!! : $20 30) 世界和平 : Peace; $10 gift cards from Po Wing Hong 31) CASH WINNER!!! : $10 32) 風調雨順 : Good weather; $10 gift cards from Po Wing Hong 33) 國泰民安 : Peace; $10 gift cards from Po Wing Hong 34) CASH WINNER!!! : $20 35) CASH WINNER!!! : $50 36) 家肥屋潤 : Wealthy; Candy from Po Wing Hong 37) CASH WINNER!!! : $10 38) 新春大吉 : Happy New Year; Gift card from Tai Pan Bakery 39) 路路暢通 : Best Wishes; $10 gift cards from Po Wing Hong 40) CASH WINNER!!! : $20 41) 心想事成 : All wishes come true; Bowls of Noodles from Bo KY 42) CASH WINNER!!! : $10 43) 頭腦清明 : Clear Mind; $10 gift cards from Po Wing Hong 44) CASH WINNER!!! : $20 45) CASH WINNER!!! : $10 46) CASH WINNER!!! : $10 47) 天天進步 : Progress every day; $10 gift cards from Po Wing Hong 48) CASH WINNER!!! : $20 49) 事業成功 : Successful career; $10 gift cards from Po Wing Hong 50) CASH WINNER!!! : $20 51) 蒸蒸日上 : Flourishing; Candy from Po Wing Hong 52) CASH WINNER!!! : $10 53) 身壯力健 : Healthy & Strong: Gift card from Tai Pan Bakery 54) CASH WINNER!!! : $50 55) 一本萬利 : A big profit; Bowls of Noodles from Bo KY 56) CASH WINNER!!! : $10 57) 萬事勝意 : Everything wins: Gift card from Tai Pan Bakery 58) 身壯力健 : Healthy & Strong; $10 gift cards from Po Wing Hong 59) CASH WINNER!!! : $10 60) 新春大吉 : Happy New Year; $10 gift cards from Po Wing Hong 61) CASH WINNER!!! : $20 62) 大吉大利 : Best Luck; Bowls of Noodles from Bo KY 63) CASH WINNER!!! : $10 64) CASH WINNER!!! : $20 65) 健康快樂 : Happy & Healthy; $10 gift cards from Po Wing Hong 66) 事事如意大吉祥 : May you have good luck in everything; Gift card from Tai Pan Bakery 67) 健康美麗 : Happy & Beautiful; Candy from Po Wing Hong 68) CASH WINNER!!! : $20 69) CASH WINNER!!! : $20 70) CASH WINNER!!! : $100 71) 人見人愛 : Everyone Loves You; $10 gift cards from Po Wing Hong 72) 心想事成兴伟业 : Achieve success with ambition fulfilled; Gift card from Tai Pan Bakery 73) 開心快樂 : Happy ; Bowls of Noodles from Bo KY 74) 幸福快樂 : Happy; $10 gift cards from Po Wing Hong 75) CASH WINNER!!! : $20 76) 年年有餘 : May you have abundance every year; Candy from Po Wing Hong 77) CASH WINNER!!! : $10 78) 事事如意大吉祥 : May you have good luck in everything; $10 gift cards from Po Wing Hong 79) 家家顺心永安康 : May you feel content and your family healthy; Candy from Po Wing Hong 80) CASH WINNER!!! : $50 81) CASH WINNER!!! : $20 82) CASH WINNER!!! : $10 83) CASH WINNER!!! : $20 84) CASH WINNER!!! : $10 85) 春归大地人间暖 : Spring returns; the land becomes warm; Bowls of Noodles from Bo KY 86) 福降神州喜临门 : Luck arrives; the people become cheerful; $10 gift cards from Po Wing Hong 87) CASH WINNER!!! : $20 88) 万事如意展宏图 : Expand blueprint with everything accomplished; Gift card from Tai Pan Bakery 89) CASH WINNER!!! : $10 90) CASH WINNER!!! : $20 91) 迎新春事事如意 : Everything goes well as you expect; Bowls of Noodles from Bo KY 92) CASH WINNER!!! : $10 93) CASH WINNER!!! : $20 94) CASH WINNER!!! : $10 95) 接鸿福步步高升 : Career rises steadily as you want; $10 gift cards from Po Wing Hong 96) CASH WINNER!!! : $10 97) 万事如意展宏图 : Expand blueprint with everything accomplished; Candy from Po Wing Hong 98) CASH WINNER!!! : $20 99) CASH WINNER!!! : $10 100) 心想事成兴伟业 : Achieve success with ambition fulfilled; Bowls of Noodles from Bo KY

Happy Lunar New Year!


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