Can you name three countries/islands where some native could speak French, besides France?, What is this a picture of?, What is this a picture of?, What is this a picture of?, The bill, please., What is this a picture of?, Comment dit-on 23?, French fries, in French? , What is this a picture of - Detail it?, Dix-sept + onze = ? , Quel jour de la semaine?, What is this a picture of?, What number is this?, What number is this?, What is this a picture of? Sparkling water, Quel est jour de la semaine?, What type of water is this? Flat mineral water, What is this a picture of?, Quel jour de la semaine?, De quelle couleur est le drapeau français?, What's your name? in French and respond to the question, Quel jour de la semaine?, Quel jour de la semaine?, Where is the airport?, See you later, "How old are you" in french and respond in French?, How are you in french, and respond in French?, What is this part of the baguette called? , What is the currency in France? , How do you say : (I am fron the USA ; I am American), in French, How do you say " the Brother", in French? , Name the most famous French museun., Name this famous Avenue, in Paris., The family's name is..... - In french?, Can you name at least ONE French fashion designer, Can you name some French bakery items?, What is this picture of?, What is the name of the big river in Paris?, What is this a picture of?, How much does this cost? in French, 42 + 10 = , 64 + 3 = , The menu, Please , I would like a sandwich, please, I would like to order..., Where is the bakerie?, Where is the pastry shop?, Where are Les Galeries Lafayette?, Where is Monoprix (NAME OF FRENCH SUPERMARKET), 120 In French.

French A1 - PL - Révision vocabulaire simple


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