1) 18th century monarchs exercised .... a) minoritary power b) absolute power 2) The Spanish War of Succession started in a) 1701 b) 1710 c) 1910 3) After ........years of war, the Duke of Anjou became the new King of Spain a) 10 b) 8 c) 12 d) 5 4) Duke of Anjou was named a) Felipe IV b) Felipe V c) Fernando V d) Carlos V 5) ........ had no children. a) Carlos I b) Felipe II c) Carlos II d) Carlos III 6) What happened when Carlos II died? a) Second war World b) nothing c) French War d) Spanish War of Succession 7) Why was in Spain a economical decline in the 17th century? click the INCORRECT a) lost of territory b) agricultural crisis c) monetary problems d) great advances in education e) Weakness of Monarchy 8) in the Spanish War of Succession who were the dynasties that claimed the throne? a) the French Bourbons and the English Habsburgs b) Austrian Habsburgs and the French Bourbons c) the Austrian Bourbons and the French Habsburgs 9) which were the changes from Middle Age to Modern Age? a) Culture, Navigation, politics and society b) culture, agriculture, society and navigation c) politics, agriculture, society and navigation 10) Advances in science and education were in the _____century a) 16th b) 17th c) 18th  d) 19th  11) Humanism was a new movement in the century... a) 16th b) 17th c) 18th d) 19th 12) New tendencies in art, architecture and literature were in the -_____century a) 16th b) 17th c) 18th d) 19th 13) The invention of the printing press was an important change in  a) navigation b) politics c) society d) culture 14) The invention of the astrolabe, the compass and the portolan charts was an important change in a) navigation b) politics c) society d) culture 15) Divided into classes, where the nobility and clergy maintained their privileges was an important change in a) navigation b) politics c) society d) culture

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