1) Plays it safe in order to be liked by others 2) To be right in the discussion, always!  3) Keeps feelings in to avoid making mistakes or getting into trouble 4) Loud and angry tone of voice 5) Expresses kindly and honestly 6) Free to express angry feelings 7) Hiding always and fears the rejection of others 8) Expresses feelings tactfully and politely  9) Soft and quiet tone of voice, mumbles 10) Wise, calm and collected, and observant 11) Disrespectful and insensitive of others 12) Calm but firm tone of voice 13) Respectful to self and others 14) Disrespects own self and allows others to walk all over them 15) Rude, bossy and controlling

Assertiveness B3-B4 M2 W1 Assertive, Passive or Aggressive?


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