Brahmavarta - The first settlement of Aryans-in Sapt Sindhu, Aryavarta - Later Vedic settlement in Gangetic plain, Ashramas- - Four stages of moves life, Varnas - Four classes of Society based on work, Patriarchal - Father is the head of the family, Monogamy - The practice of marrying one person at a time, Polygamy- - The practice or custom of having more than one wife at same time, Pastures - Land covered with grass and suitable for grazing animals, Hymns - Religion songs to praise God, Monotheism - Believed in one God, Gayatri mantra - __________ is one of the Mantras of Rig Veda., The Rig Veda Samhita - ____________is the oldest of the Vedas., Central Asia - From where did Aryans come to India ?, Ramayana - Name the oldest epic., Mahabharata - Name the longest epic., Rishi Valmiki - Who composed Ramayana?, Rishi Ved Vyas. - Who composed Mahabharata?, Sanskrit - In which language the Vedas have been written?, Deals with the local problems - What was the role of Sabha in Early Vedic Period?, Deals with the National problems - What was the role of Smiti in Early Vedic Period?, Rajana - Who was the chief of a Jana or a tribe?, Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh - _______________ were worshipped in later Vedic period., Early Vedic Period - Mode of worship was yagna and singing hymns in _______________., Later Vedic Period - The king became more powerful and was the supreme commander and chief justice of kingdom in the ___________________., Women - __________________ had equal opportunities as men for their spiritual and intellectual development., Puranas - _______________ mean old stories., Brahmins - The ___________ were the most dominating in the society in Later Vedic Period, Aryans - The _____________came to India in search of pasture land and peaceful settlements., Gurukul - Residence of Guru where education was departed called ________________., Cows and bullocks (Cattle) - What was considered the most valuable possession of the Aryans?,




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