1) I can't afford ... so much money. a) spending b) to spend 2) We will not tolerate ... here. a) drinking b) to drink 3) I wish ... on vacation there. a) going b) to go 4) Did you agree ... on Thursday? a) to meet b) meeting 5) I suggested ... this project later. a) launching b) to launch 6) We aim ... this goal by September. a) to reach b) reaching 7) There appears ... a misunderstanding. a) being b) to be 8) They don't sanction ... their equipment without permission. a) using b) to use 9) He risked ... caught. a) to be b) being 10) Is he going to attempt ... ? a) to escape? b) escaping? 11) He wants ... . a) flying away b) to fly away. 12) He anticipates ... as a mayor. a) to be elected b) being elected 13) I asked him ... on time. a) to finish b) finishing 14) I can't wait ... on vacation. a) to go b) going 15) She volunteered ... care of the kittens. a) taking b) to take care 16) They acknowledged ... the money. a) spending b) to spend 17) I arranged ... Michael on Monday.  a) meeting b) to meet 18) I beg .... a) differing b) to differ 19) He risked ... apprehended. a) being b) to be 20) I can't resist ... this amazing chocolate!  a) eating b) to eat 21) I resent ... do overtime. a) to have b) having 22) Would you care ... a cup of tea with me? a) to have b) having 23) I choose ..., not .... a) to survive, to die b) surviving, dying 24) He claimed ... lost his luggage. a) having b) to have 25) I appreciate ... you as a friend. a) to have b) having 26) I always avoid ... the road on the red lights.  a) crossing b) to cross 27) I consent ... in accordance with the law. a) to act b) acting 28) I have completed ... the task. a) to do b) doing 29) You should consider ... the club. a) visiting b) to visit 30) I don't dare ... him. a) to bother b) bothering 31) I highly recommend ... to this course. a) to subscribe b) subscribing 32) I recollect ... George's pen. a) to take b) taking 33) I decided ... the job. a) taking b) to take 34) I demand ... what's going on. a) knowing b) to know 35) I recall ... this game when I was young. a) to play b) playing 36) She deserved ... acknowledged. a) to be b) being 37) I swear ... you the truth. a) telling b) to tell 38) I defer ... act against the law. a) acting b) to act 39) He often delays ... his bills. a) paying b) to pay 40) She threatened ... him. a) living b) to leave 41) They denied ... the bank. a) to rob b) robbing 42) I quit ... ten years ago. a) smoking b) to smoke 43) He is struggling ... ends meet. a) making b) to make 44) He refused ... any answer. a) to provide b) providing 45) She seems ... a nice person. a) to be b) being 46) I propose ... him on board. a) taking b) to take 47) I'm practicing ... , don't disturb me! a) to sing b) singing 48) You need ... your room, it's filthy! a) to clean b) cleaning 49) She offered ... for the dinner. a) paying b) to pay 50) I postponed ... on vacation because of the pandemic. a) to go b) going 51) I'm planning ... my current job. a) quitting b) to quit 52) We are going to prepare ... the exam. a) taking b) to take 53) When I'm feeling blue, I pretend ... happy. a) to look b) looking 54) I miss ... to my college. a) going b) to go 55) He finished the lecture and proceeded ... the questions. a) answering b) to answer 56) I promise ... you forever! a) loving b) to love 57) Don't neglect ... the lights off if you don't need them! a) to turn b) turning 58) Would you mind ... me a hand? a) giving b) to give 59) When do you expect them ... ? a) arriving b) to arrive 60) He never mentioned ... married before. a) being b) to be 61) Irina failed ... her assignment on time. a) completing b) to complete 62) We discussed ... a new computer for our office. a) to buy b) buying 63) I'm sorry, I didn't mean ... disrespectful. a) to be b) being 64) Will you manage ... this by tomorrow evening? a) completing b) to complete 65) I keep ... about the day he left. a) thinking b) to think 66) It was nice to get ... you! a) to know b) getting 67) I don't justify ... a crime! a) to commit b) committing 68) The vaccination process involves ... a shot twice. a) getting b) to get 69) Birds learn ... when they are still young. a) flying b) to fly 70) I intend ... Mike the truth. a) telling b) to tell 71) Don't hesitate ... me any questions. a) to ask b) asking 72) Hope ... you again soon! a) to see b) seeing 73) This economic crisis entailed ... drastic austerity measures. a) taking b) to take 74) I hurry ... the last bus. a) taking b) to take


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