inedible - (L.) in + edibilis - opposite of + eatable, inevitable - (L.) in + evitare - opposite of + avoid, inherent - (L.) in + harere - in + to stick, innocuous - (L.) in + nocuss - not + injurious, insulate - (L.) insula + ate - island + ( a verb suffix), insurmountable - (L.) in + sur + monter - opposite + beyond + to go up, integrate - (L.) in + tangere - not + to touch, integrity - (L.) in + tangere - not + to touch, intermittently - (L.) inter + mittere - between + let go, interval - (L.) inter + vallum - between + rampart, introvert - (L.) intro + vertere - to the inside + to turn, invigorated - (L.) in + vigour + ate - opposite of + energy in activity + (a verb suffix),


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