history - the study of the past, historian - an expert in history or a person who studies history, source - something that gives us information or evidence about a person, place or event in the past, primary source - a source made at the time of the event or a first hand account, secondary source - a source made at a later date, after the time of the event, archive - place that stores a collection of written, audio or visual sources, cross checking - using more than one source to make sure the information is correct, bias - not balanced, unfairly favours one side, exaggeration - when something is represented as better or worse than it actually was, prehistory - the period of time before written records were kept, artefact - human made object, such as a tool, pottery or a weapon, archaeology - the study of artefacts left by people in the past, museum - a place that collects and displays artefacts for public education and appreciation, chronology - puts events into the sequence in which they happened, decade - a period of ten years, century - a period of one hundred years, millenium - a period of one thousand years,

History basic keywords


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