les Alliés - the group of countries who fought against Germany during WWII, antisémite - prejudice against the Jewish race, l'armistice - an agreement by opposite sides in a war, to cease fire, Ausweiss - ID card, les pays de l'Axe - the coalition headed by Germany, Italy & Japan that opposed the Allied powers in WWII, le marché noir - the system of buying, selling or exchanging goods illegally, la cause et l'effet - the way actions & events cause other actions, le recensement - official count or survey of population, circonsis - a male who has had his foreskin cut off in infancy (religious rite or medical practice), le/la collabo - someone who cooperates with the enemy during occupation, le langage familier - informal words or phrases, more commonly used in spoken language, le STO - the forced enlistment & deportation of thousands of French workers to Nazi Germany where they were to provide labour for the German war effort, la ligne de démarcation - the boundary in France between the German-occupied zone & the free zone, déserter - to leave the armed forces illegally, la composition éclectique - a diverse mix of nationalities, religions & cultures, l'élision - the omission of one or more sounds from a word to more closely resemble the way someone speaks, entreprenant - taking initiative & incurring risk in the hope of profit, récit de fiction - a story told using the imagination, la souveraineté française - unrestricted power of the French state to determine its own affairs, la Gestapo - the secret state police of Nazi Germany,

SDB - Glossaire


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