How often do you eat out?, What's the name of the restaurant that you often visit?, Who do you usually eat out with?, When you eat out, how much do you usually spend?, Do you prefer to go out for lunch or dinner?, When you eat out with a friend, who usually pays?, What's your favourite fast food restaurant?, What restaurant near uni do you recommend?, What are your favourite 3 restaurants?, Where's a good place to go for a really cheap meal?, Have you ever been to a Michelin star restaurant?, Where is your favourite ramen shop and what is the name?, Where do you usually go for sushi?, What's the most expensive restaurant you've ever been to?, What drink do you usually order at a restaurant?, Have you ever been to a restaurant alone?, When was the last time you went to Maccas?, Do you prefer Maccas or Mos burger?, How would you rank the following: Indian food, Korean food, Vietnamese food, Thai food?, What was the last restaurant you visited?, Have you ever complained at a restaurant?, Have you ever seen a cockroach in a restaurant?, Do you enjoy going to cafes?, What is the longest time that you have spent at a restaurant?, (make your own questions).

Topic Talk 16: Restaurants


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