something fun you're thinking of _____ (do) this month - doing, a place you can't imagine _____ (live) in - living, something you try to avoid _____ (do) - doing, something you fancy _____ (do) on Friday nights - doing, if it's hard for you ____ (work) in the morning - to work, something you object to _____ (do) - doing, something difficult you've succeeded in ____ (do) this month - doing, something you'd like to have but can't afford ____ (buy) - to buy, someone you look forward to ____ (see) - seeing, a house chore you don't mind ____ (do) - doing, a person whose handwriting you find difficult ____ (read) - to read, something you are too old _____ (do) - to do, a restaurant in Warsaw that you can recommend ____ (visit) - visiting, something that you were persuaded ____ (do) by your family - to do, the best time of day _____ (do) exercise - to do, which is better for ____ (undertake) sport - late afternoon or early morning and why - undertaking, the reasons you should avoid ___ (drink) too much coffee or energy drinks - drinking, if _____ (eat) a big meal makes you ____ (feel) tired? - eating / feel, if you'd rather ____ (do) all your homework straight after the lesson or just before the next one - do, the best time ____ (go) on holiday - to go,


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