1) It is a type of malware which appears be safe but damages the computer once it runs- a) Worm b) Spyware c) Trojan Horse d) Virus 2) It is a type of malware modifies its code every time it infects a new file- a) Boot sector Virus b) Polymorphic Virus c) File infector Virus d) Adware 3) It can easily hack your personal details when you are typing them out. a) Spam mails b) Trojan Horse c) Sweeper Virus d) Key logging software 4) It is a type of malware which does not multiply but can track all our activities by checking our computer memory a) Backdoor Virus b) Spyware c) Adware d) Macro Virus 5) Boot sector virus affects what a) Files b) Software c) Emails d) Hardware 6) Examples of File infector virus a) Disk Killer b) Nuclear c) Elkern d) Sunday 7) A backdoor virus gets installed into a computer when the computer starts a) True b) False 8) Unjumble- DEWRAA and EPRWEES a) Adware and Spyware b) Sweeper and Acid Rain c) Antivirus and Subseven d) Adware and Sweeper 9) Spam can be blocked by not sharing email addresses with people? a) True b) False

Internet safety and malwares.


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