'Did you know that Barry works every weekend?' - Really? That can't be healthy., 'What did you think about Alison's idea?' - At first, I didn't like it. But now I think she could be right., 'I'll see you in the meeting at noon tomorrow.' - OK. I've got another meeting at 11, so I may be a few minutes late., 'Mark's son started a new school last month. He doesn't like it at all.' - Well, moving to a new school can be really difficult., 'I think I'll go to bed now.' - Of course. You must be tired after your journey., 'Do you know where Dave's from? I don't recognise his accent.' - I'm not sure, but I think he might be Portuguese., 'Do you think the supermarket's still open?' - It should be, It doesn't usually close until eight o'clock.,



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