People play soccer. - Soccer is played by people., Doctors must wear gloves. - Gloves must be worn by doctors., J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter. - Harry Potter was written by J.K. Rowling., A bee stung me. - I was stung by a bee., Stephanie Kwolek invented kevlar. - Kevlar was invented by Stephanie Kwolek., My brother is making breakfast. - Breakfast is being made by my brother., They were painting the house when I arrived. - The house was being painted when I arrived., You must peel the potatoes. - The potatoes must be peeled by you., Peter Jackson directed The Hobbit. - The Hobbit was directed by Peter Jackson., Peter uses that computer. - That computer is used by Peter., The hurricane destroyed lots of houses. - Lots of houses were destroyed by the hurricane., Millions of people have read The Lord of the Rings. - The Lord of the Rings has been read by millions of people., Millions of people have visited Paris. - Paris has been visited by millions of people., The news shocked everyone. - Everyone was shocked by the news.,

Pre-intermediate 4 (active and passive voice)



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