"Why do you got to get killed? You ain't so little as mice. I didn't bounce you hard." - Lennie, "Why can't I talk to you? I never get to talk to nobody. I get awful lonely." - Curley's Wife, "He made like he was gonna bite me...an' I done it...an' then he was dead." - Lennie, "He was jus' a mutt. You can get another one easy. The whole country is fulla mutts." - Curley's Wife, "A show came through an' I met one of the actors. He said I could go with that show. But my ol' lady wouldn't let me." - Curley's Wife, "Coulda been in movies, an' had nice clothes - all them nice clothes like they wear." - Curley's Wife, "I like to pet nice things. Once at a fair I seen some long-hair rabbits. An' they was nice, you bet." - Lennie, "You're nuts. But you're a kinda nice fella. Jus' like a big baby." - Curley's Wife, "My hair is soft and fine. Feel aroun' there and see how soft it is." - Curley's Wife, Her rouged cheeks and reddened lips made her seem alive and sleeping very lightly. - Curley's Wife, "I should of knew. Maybe way back in my head I always did." - George, "You an' me can get that place, can't we, George? You an' me can go there an' live nice, can't we?" - Candy, "I know who done it. That big son-of-a-bitch. I'm gonna get him. I'm gonna shoot him in the guts." - Curley, "The bastard's stole my Luger. It ain't in my bag." - Carlson, "Curley - maybe you better stay here with your wife." - Slim, "You stick with us so we don't think you had nothin' to do with this." - Curley,

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