“Please help me carry this” - She asked me to help her carry that., “Please come early” - She asked me to come early., “Please buy some milk” - She asked me to buy some milk., “Could you please open the window?” - She asked me to open the window., “Could you bring the book tonight?” - She asked me to bring the book tonight (that night)., “Can you help me with my homework, please?” - She asked me to help her with her homework., “Would you bring me a cup of coffee, please?” - She asked me to bring her a cup of coffee., “Would you mind passing the salt?” - She asked me to pass the salt., “Would you mind lending me a pencil?” - She asked me to lend her a pencil., “I was wondering if you could possibly tell me the time?” - She asked me to tell her the time., “Do your homework!” - She told me to do my homework., “Go to bed!” - She told me to go to bed., “Don’t be late!” - She told me not to be late., “Don’t smoke!” - She told me not to smoke., “Tidy your room!” - She told me to tidy my room., “Wait here!” - She told me to wait here (there)., “Don’t do that!” - She told me not to do that., “Eat your dinner!” - She told me to eat my dinner., “Don’t make a mess!” - She told me not to make a mess., “Do the washing-up!” - She told me to do the washing-up.,

Reported Speech. Transformation. Reported Requests and Orders



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