simulac - as soon as, moles - huge bulk, mass, attonitus - astonished, clausus - closed, ludi - games, licet - is allowed, redire - to return, exire - to go out, considere - to sit down, huc illuc - this way and that, interdiu - during the day, gaudium - joy, ducam - I will take, multa et mira - many wonderful things, lectica - litter, illlud - that, sepulcrum - tomb, intra - inside, patruus - uncle, vester - your (pl), noster - our, excipere - to welcome, immemor - forgetful, nocturnus - during the night, ingens - huge, cum (conj) - when, discedere - to depart, go away, stare - to stand, sumere - to take up, mandatum - order, instruction,

Ecce Romani Chapters 22-24



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