What is ___ (good) city in Spain to live in? - the best, Who is ___ (interesting) person you know? - the most interesting, Are you ___ (busy) during the week or at weekends? - busier, What is ___ (important) invention in history? - the most important, Is a laptop ___ (useful) than a mobile phone? - more useful, Who is ___ (talkative) person in your family? - the most talkative, Are you ___ (active) in the mornings or evenings? - more active, What is ___ (difficult) thing about studying English? - the most difficult, Are vegetarians ___ (healthy) than people who eat meat? - healthier, Who is ___ (funny) person that you know? - the funniest, What is ___ (bad) than failing exams? - worse, What is ___ (safe) form of transport? - the safest, What is ___ (beautiful) city you have ever visited? - the most beautiful, Are you ___ (happy) now or when you were younger? - happier, What is ___ (expensive) thing you have ever bought? - the most expensive, What is ___ (boring) sport to watch? - the most boring, What is _____ (good) trip you've ever been on? - the best, Apart from English, what is _____ (useful) foreign language to learn? - the most useful, What's the _____ (bad) film you've seen recently? - the worst, Do you eat _____ (healthily) now than a few years ago? - more healthily, What's _____ (exciting) experience you've ever had? - the most exciting, Do dogs make _____ (good) pets than cats? - better, What is _____ (disgusting) thing you've ever tasted? - the most disgusting, What do you think is _____ (hard) profession? - the hardest, What is _____ (bad) city to live in? - the worst,

B1 Speaking: Comparatives + Superlatives



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