Preposition that collocates with " attached" - to, Write the word pronounced /prəˈsiː.dʒə/ - procedure, to be full of excitement, activity, lively (of a city) - buzzing, vibrant, all the people who work for a particular company, organization - workforce, staff, having a lot of money and a good standard of living - affluent, wealthy, well-off, He didn't want to go to the theather, so he told a ____________ lie and said he wasn't feeling well - a white lie, Nice car! I must have cost an a________ and a l______________ - an arm and a leg, You really need to focus on the big p____________ and ignore the details - the big picture, Rita comes ___________ as straightforward, but she's actually very complicated - comes across, He cheated in an exam, but he got_____________ with it as the teacher didn't see him - got away with, Homophones: /saɪt/ - site, sight, To make something deeper is to.... - deepen, Odd one out: texture-obscure- sculpture- picture - obscure,


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