what you're going to eat tonight, what you usually have for breakfast, a good film you've seen, three things you did before you left this morning, a book you're reading at the moment, something you bought last week, what you're going to wear tomorrow, your wife's typical day`, what fruit you ate yesterday, a good friend , your typical Sunday, what you're wearing, where you think you will be in ten years time, what you're going to do next weekend, three sports you've never tried, where you usually go for a night out, the best holiday you've ever had, five countries you haven't visited yet but would like to, the last time you ate ice cream, the best restaurant you've been to, what a member of your family is doing at the moment, the first thing you are going to do when you get home, your last birthday , what you're going to do after this lesson.

Talk about .... (End of year - elementary)


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