Beauty is only skin-deep.  - Physical beauty is not the only important thing. You also need a beautiful character., Blood is thicker than water.  - People who are in your family are more important than people you meet in life., Great minds think alike.  - Used with friends to say that we are both smart, we both have the same idea., Money talks.  - Money can be used to convince people that something is right or needs to be done., Practice what you preach.  - You should act like you say others should act., One step at a time.  - Go slowly, be careful, don't expect everything to happen at once., Old habits die hard.  - Things that you do often are difficult to stop doing., Truth is stranger than fiction.  - Real life is sometimes more surprising than books, Variety is the spice of life.  - It's important to do many different types of things in life to make it interesting., Practice makes perfect.  - If you want to be good at something, you need to do it often., Two wrongs don’t make a right - When someone did something bad to you, trying to do something bad to them will only make things worse., Better late than never. - It’s better if you do something later, than not do it at all., A friend in need is a friend indeed. - If someone helps you when you have problems, or you are in trouble, that person is a true friend., Actions speak louder than words. - What you do matters – not what you say., Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. - Everyone has their own ideas of what is beautiful., Those who snooze, lose. - You have to act fast to get what you want., Honesty is the best policy. - It’s better to always tell the truth., It never rains, but it pours. - Bad luck never comes alone. Bad things usually happen all together at once., Love is blind. - If you love someone, you don’t notice his or her faults. You think they’re perfect., First things first. - Be patient. Do the things in their correct order., Waste not, want not. - if a person never wastes things, they will always have what is needed., More speed, less haste. - Acting too quickly and without care will result in avoidable mistakes and take even more time to do., Look before you leap. - Make decisions carefully. Think about it first., Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. - If someone gives you something, be grateful; don't start criticising it., Beggars can’t be choosers. - People who depend on the generosity of others can’t have everything exactly as they want.,

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