1) Can you ... that bus? a) see b) look c) watch 2) Where do you ... films and series? a) watch b) look 3) How often do you ... your friends? a) see b) look c) watch 4) Cats can ... in the dark. a) see b) look c) watch 5) ... at me! I am so tired. I want to sleep. a) see b) look c) watch 6) He stood for a moment ... the sky. a) seeing b) looking c) watching 7) We don't ... each other often. a) see b) look c) watch 8) I always ... in the mirror before leaving house. a) see b) look c) watch 9) Haven’t …. him for ages. He had changed a lot. a) seen b) watched c) looked 10) In this photo you … like your mother. a) look b) see c) watch 11) Don’t … at me like that! I didn’t know that it was your piece of cake. a) see b) watch c) look 12) What good is it to me, hanging in the wardrobe and never... the light of the day? a) watching b) looking c) seeing


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