authoritarian (adj) - expecting strict obedience to (state) authority at the cost of personal freedom, ban (verb) - officially prevent someone from doing something, Big Tech (noun) - a nickname for the largest and most dominant companies in the information technology industry of the USA, mainly Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft, blue-pencil (verb) - to censor or make cuts in text, brainwash (verb) - to indoctrinate, deplatform (verb) - to prevent a person from contributing to a discussion or forum, especially on social media, free speech (noun) - the right to express any opinions without censorship or punishment, freedom of the press (noun) - the right of the press/media to publish legal information and opinions without government interference, heresy (noun) - opinion contrary to orthodox (normally Christian) religion, and by extension any prevailing view, news leak (noun) - an intentional disclosure of something secret or private, news blackout (noun) - a period of time during which news about a particular event is not allowed to be reported, political correctness (noun) - the practice of avoiding language that might be offensive to certain groups of people, especially in relation to gender and race, propaganda (noun) - information, especially biased or misleading information, used to promote a political cause or other point of view, riot (noun) - a public and violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd, social unrest (noun) - a state of dissatisfaction and disturbance among ordinary people, often involving public demonstrations or disorder, throttle (verb) - to limit a social media user’s reach so that whatever they post goes to fewer people than before, totalitarian (adjective) - relating to a centralised system of government that demands total subservience to the state, whistle-blower (noun) - a person who informs on an organization (or another person) considered to be acting against the law or immorally, police (verb) - to maintain law and order; enforce regulations, enforce an agreement; monitor and enforce the provisions of a law, agreement etc, orthodox (adjective) - conforming to the generally-accepted views of the time,


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