Colony - a place where a group of people come to settle which is under the control of their home country, Debt - something owed to another person, Confederation - an alliance or union of people, Territory - an area of land that belongs to and is governed by a country, Relocated - to move to another place, Indian Act - a set of laws that controlled the lives of the First Nations people, Self-governance - having control or rule over yourself, Assimilate - to absorb and be blended in, Residential School - place where young First Nations children had to go to learn the white man's ways, Resources - things that are available for us to use such as wood, water, animals, etc, Racism - the belief that one race of people is better than an other, Poverty - the condition of being poor, a lack of money, Identity - all those things that make a person who they are, Potlatch - a ceremony where the host gives gifts to his guests, Contagious - something that is able to spread from person to person, Epidemic - an outbreak of disease that spreads rapidly to many people, Consequence - something that happens as a result of something else,

Confederation Match Up


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